Thursday, July 2, 2009

10 Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About the American Revolution

1. The United States of America was almost named “The United States of Roberta” after Amerigo Vespucci’s wife, Roberta Vespucci.

2. The very crafty Betsy Ross not only sewed the first American Flag, she also stenciled the Constitution and created a decoupage of the Bill of Rights.

3. There was very nearly 14 American Colonies, however, Nova Scotia combined with parts of Maine, Iceland and all of Northern Nebraska to form the county now known as Canada.

4. Sam Adam’s first brewery was destroyed by the British in the Battle of Guinness when General Stella Artois attacked and defeated General Killian Red with the aid of the Hessian Major General Heineken.

5. The Minute Men were aptly named because that is how long it took them to burp the alphabet.

6. It was not the Boston Tea Party that angered the British and sparked the American Revolution as much as it was the Philadelphia Coffee Rave.

7. Martha Washington single-handedly liberated the city of Worcester from Hessian occupation in August of 1778.

8. John Hancock was a total tool and nobody else who signed the Declaration of Independence liked him.

9. The British might have won the war had they not foolishly decided to invade Rhode Island in 1777 and were driven into the sea by the fierce, strong, brave, smart, handsome and awesome warriors ever to fight in a war who live in that amazing state.

10. When General Washington defeated Emperor Napoleon and Winston Churchill at the Battle of Gettysburg, they were forced to sign the Magna Carta which secured the Patient Bill of Rights for everyone in Pearl Harbor, emancipating the slaves.


  1. I commend the effort, and I don't want you to be upset in any way, but there are no yucks here.

  2. Alas, we can't win them all...hopefully you can find something to make you smile within the other nuggets.
